Counselor Training Programs
We know that there are many products to choose from and that the decision to select the product which is the best fit for you and your program can be difficult. We know that you will find our training programs and products to be of the highest quality. We don’t just craft these products and programs, we use them!
These products and trainings were born from 25 years of face-to-face client services which includes countless hours of weekly groups, assessments and one-on-one sessions. From those sessions, we have curated both training opportunities and tools for both new and seasoned clinicians to use.
Our Current Training Products
Importance & Role of Aftercare for Mandated Substance Abuse Treatment Clients and DUI Offenders
ICB approved for 5 CEU’s
Clinician Aftercare Manual and Companion Workbook
If you have taken our Aftercare for Mandated & DUI Client CEU training, you will love this product!
If you’re interested in learning more about our Counselor Training opportunities, sign up below and we’ll let you know when we have more training programs available.
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